Things I learned making a simple RISC-V OS with Rust

Recently I’ve been reading a lot about RISC-V and wanted to use it for something to learn how it works. I decided to go ballistic and make an operating system. I already delved into OSdev before, but it was with i386, and in C. RISC-V seems much simpler, and since that time I fell in love with Rust. I did some initial exploration in C following the RISC-V Bare Bones and RISC-V Meaty Skeleton tutorials in the OSDev wiki, and then started following the Adventures of OS tutorial, which uses Rust. Here are a few things I learned along the way.

SMP doesn’t need to be initialized

One of the first things I wanted to know about how RISC-V systems work is how SMP works. I thought you had to initialize the other harts1, as you apparently have to do in x86, and I wasted an entire morning searching how to do that in the spec and in the internet, but turns out they all just start at the same time running in the same address, at least in the QEMU virt machine.

If you don’t want the different harts to do redundant or conflicting work, as they all run the same instructions in the beginning, you have to park2 them. According to section 3.1.5 of the volume 2 of the spec:

The mhartid CSR is an MXLEN-bit read-only register containing the integer ID of the hardware thread running the code. This register must be readable in any implementation. Hart IDs might not necessarily be numbered contiguously in a multiprocessor system, but at least one hart must have a hart ID of zero. Hart IDs must be unique within the execution environment.

So the only hart we can be certain we can identify is the one with mhartid = 0. We can then park all the harts with mhartid != 0 and use the one with mhartid = 0 as a bootstrap hart to setup the system.

    # Park all harts except the one with mhartid = 0
    csrr t0, mhartid
    bnez t0, 1f
    # Bootstrapping
    # ...
    # Threads with mhartid != 0 go here
    # The wfi instruction is a hint that the hart should sleep and wait for an
    # interrupt. However, a valid implementation can just be a nop, so we have
    # to put this in a loop just in case. In QEMU the wfi instruction actually
    # puts the hart to sleep so it saves a lot of cpu.
    j 1b

Later we could set the interrupts in a way that could allow harts to communicate and we have SMP. But that seems very complicated so I’m staying single-threaded for now.

Device trees

I knew that to do IO in embedded systems like an operating system kernel you had to do memory mapped IO, which is basically reading and writing magic values to magic places in the address space to do magic things, but I always wondered how you were actually supposed to know what magic values and places you had to use. I knew you could simply look at the documentation of the device you are using, but even then you don’t exactly know where in the address space it is connected. You would have to look at the documentation of the machine you are using3 to know how the manufacturer connected things up.

But this poses a interesting problem: how do you support multiple machines? Do you need to have a separate linker script for each machine? I don’t think Linux does that. And apparently they don’t, through something called a device tree.

A device tree is a standard data structure that describes the hardware of a machine. The system provides the bootloader some way to read the device tree, that way your kernel or embedded application can be aware of the hardware available and in which addressed they are connected. As we will see later, QEMU virt passes the device tree in a register at boot.

There are a few formats for a device tree, the two we will be looking at are the binary one with extension .dtb, and the text one with extension .dts. We can dump the device tree of a QEMU machine with the -machine dumpdtb=filename.dtb option:

$ qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt,dumpdtb=virt.dtb
qemu-system-riscv64: info: dtb dumped to virt.dtb. Exiting.

We can then convert it to the text version with the program dtc:

$ dtc virt.dtb -o virt.dts

And now we have a description of the hardware of the QEMU virt machine. If you open this file you will see things like the following:

memory@80000000 {
    device_type = "memory";
    reg = <0x00 0x80000000 0x00 0x8000000>;

This tells us that the device memory is mapped at address 0x8000_0000. This is where the RAM starts in this machine. Another one:

serial@10000000 {
    interrupts = <0x0a>;
    interrupt-parent = <0x03>;
    clock-frequency = "\08@";
    reg = <0x00 0x10000000 0x00 0x100>;
    compatible = "ns16550a";

This tells us that the device serial is mapped at address 0x1000_0000, and that it is compatible with the ns16550a UART device. There’s much more info in these, I recommend reading this if you are interested in understanding this format.

A last one that confused me for a while:

poweroff {
    value = <0x5555>;
    offset = <0x00>;
    regmap = <0x04>;
    compatible = "syscon-poweroff";

This is clearly the device you use for shutting down the system. But differently from the others above, this one doesn’t have an address. It took me a while to figure this out, but this isn’t the actual device, this is just a specification of the magic value (and offset) you need to send the device for the system to shutdown. Well, but where is the device??? Turns out you have to look at the regmap field and find the device that has the corresponding phandle field. In this case is this one:

test@100000 {
    phandle = <0x04>;
    reg = <0x00 0x100000 0x00 0x1000>;
    compatible = "sifive,test1\0sifive,test0\0syscon";

It being named test is a bit suspicious. A device for something as common as shutting down your system shouldn’t be named like that! However the compatible field contains syscon, which is also cited in the poweroff entry. So I tested the following:

    # Store the value 0x5555 into the address of the test device
    li t0, 0x5555
    li t1, 0x100000
    sw t0, (t1)

And it worked! Weird flex but ok.


The protocol for serial communication is called UART. It is very simple, but it took me some time to understand it4. In the QEMU virt machine, if you pass -serial mon:stdio as an argument then your terminal is connected to the serial device we saw above at address 0x1000_0000. The basic functionality of UART is very simple: to receive you read from this address, to transmit you write to this address.

const uart_ptr = 0x1000_0000 as *mut u8;

fn uart_receive() -> u8 {
    unsafe {

fn uart_transmit(u8: byte) {
    unsafe {


A hurdle I had with UART is when to know that a new character arrived. From tests I did, if I run a loop with the function uart_receive() above I will end up infinitely getting the last character sent through the serial. There are 2 ways of dealing with this. One is interrupts, which I didn’t implement yet. The other one is to pool the UART device to check if a new byte arrived. Something like:

fn uart_receive() -> u8 {
    unsafe {
        loop {
            // We need to check the first bit of the byte at offset 5 of the
            // UART. Offset 5 is the Line Status Register. It's first bit
            // signals if there is data available.
            if (uart_ptr.add(5).read_volatile & 1) == 1 {

This isn’t very good, it’s a busy loop and makes my computer go hot after some time with QEMU open even though it’s not doing anything. I think we can’t do any better without interrupts though.

Backspace sent as delete

A quirk I’m not sure if is my terminal, tmux or some other thing’s fault, but that some other people also have, is that when I press backspace (byte 0x08) in the terminal, the UART inside QEMU receives delete (byte 0x7F).

Timer interrupts

One thing that gave me a lot of headache is that my code wasn’t reaching my kernel main function in Rust. I tried using gdb to debug my kernel but failed5. My previous attempt in C booted just fine, and if I used its boot code with my Rust project it also worked, so the problem was there. This was the boot code of the C project:

    # Some code to set stack, global pointer and clear bss section
    la t0, kmain
    csrw mepc, t0

    # Jump to kernel!
    tail kmain

This was the code for the Rust project:

    # Some code to set stack, global pointer and clear bss section
    # Here I set mstatus to return to M mode with interrupts enabled later
    # when I call mret
    li t0, (0b11 << 11) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 3)
    csrw mstatus, t0

    # Put the address of kmain in the mepc, which is the address we will jump
    # when mret is called
    la t1, kmain
    csrw mepc, t1

    # Set up the trap handler
    la t2, asm_trap_vector
    csrw mtvec, t2

    # Enable interrupts
    # bit 3: software interrupts 
    # bit 7: timer interrupts
    # bit 11: external interrupts
    li t3, (1 << 3) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 11)
    csrw mie, t3
    # No interrupt handling for now

In the Rust version we use mret instead of tail. That is necessary for enabling interrupts which I will need later.

After sprinkling this code with snippets of assembly sending letters through UART, I discovered the problem was with the line setting the mie to enable interrupts. Specifically it was the mtie bit (the bit 7), for timer interrupts. After sprinkling the code with a assembly functions that dumps mip (a CSR register indicating what interrupts are pending) to UART, I confirmed that there was always a timer interrupt when reaching this line of code. When enabling timer interrupts in mie the hart trapped instantly, and went to the asm_trap_vector handler. Here I dumped mcause to UART and confirmed it was a timer interrupt that caused the trap6. It instantly calls mret, which returns to the place where the interrupt was activated. But as I didn’t handle the interrupt, it was still pending in mip, so before even stepping a instruction it trapped to asm_trap_vector again, in a infinite loop.

Turns out that if you don’t handle interrupts they are not handled I guess. As I don’t need timer interrupts for now, I will keep them disabled until later:

    # Enable interrupts
    # bit 3: software interrupts 
    # bit 11: external interrupts
    li t3, (1 << 3) | (1 << 11)
    csrw mie, t3

Now it gets to the Rust code. UART debugging ftw.

QEMU virt prelude

While attempting to debug the timer interrupt thing with gdb I discovered something interesting. When you run QEMU with the option -s it listens for gdb in port 1234 of localhost, and with option -S it waits for a command of gdb (or the QEMU monitor) before starting the CPU. We can then connect from gdb with target extended-remote localhost:1234 and debug the whole system. This means I could see where the machine boots, which to my surprise isn’t at 0x8000_0000 at the start of the RAM where the start of my kernel is loaded, but at 0x1000, after the first 8 bytes of the address space7. This is what is there:

(gdb) x/6i $pc
=> 0x1000:      auipc   t0,0x0
   0x1004:      add     a2,t0,40
   0x1008:      csrr    a0,mhartid
   0x100c:      ld      a1,32(t0)
   0x1010:      ld      t0,24(t0)
   0x1014:      jr      t0
(gdb) x/g $pc+24
0x1018: 0x0000000080000000
(gdb) x/g $pc+32
0x1020: 0x0000000087e00000
(gdb) x/g $pc+40
0x1028: 0x000000004942534f

The code loads the mhartid into the a0 register, some values into t0, a1 and a2, and then jumps to t0. The last 3 commands show the value of t0 (that we jump to), the value of a1 and the value that a2 points to after this initialization. Let’s see what each of them mean.

The value of t0 that we jump to is easy, it’s 0x8000_0000, which is the start of RAM, where we put the kernel. Makes sense.

The value of a1 is more interesting. It’s an address at the end of RAM8. If we follow it we see a bunch of data:

(gdb) x/16w 0x87e00000
0x87e00000:     0xedfe0dd0      0xe6100000      0x38000000      0x340f0000
0x87e00010:     0x28000000      0x11000000      0x10000000      0x00000000
0x87e00020:     0xb2010000      0xfc0e0000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x87e00030:     0x00000000      0x00000000      0x01000000      0x00000000

The first 4 bytes are the magic number for the header of the device tree binary format! From the specification:


This field shall contain the value 0xd00dfeed (big-endian).

0xedfe0dd0 is 0xd00dfeed in little-endian! The system gives it’s device tree for us! This means we could make a kernel that parses it and adjusts itself to the hardware available! Very cool.

I read somewhere that passing the mhartid in a0 at boot is almost standard in the world of RISC-V. I wonder if passing a device tree in a1 also is.

a2 for me is still a mystery. It points to the value 0x4942_534f, which seems to be a pointer to near the end of the pci device. Reading it just gives bytes filled with 0xff.

(gdb) x/16w 0x4942534f
0x4942534f:     0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff
0x4942535f:     0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff
0x4942536f:     0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff
0x4942537f:     0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff      0xffffffff
  1. A hart is short for “hardware thread”. One CPU core might have more than one hardware thread. 

  2. Parking a hart here means making it wait for an interrupt to do work. 

  3. Or, in the case of the QEMU virt machine I was using, I suppose reading the source code, as I wasn’t able to find it’s documentation. 

  4. This helped a lot. Especially the example code. 

  5. It froze in some specific places for reasons beyond my comprehension. I suspect it has something to do with I not having implemented interrupts yet. 

  6. For some time I was really confused because it seemed like a software interrupt. But then I noticed that I was only showing the highest 63 bits of mcause. For software interrupts it ends in ...0011, for timer interrupts it ends in ...0111

  7. I checked and they are not readable, probably to avoid null pointer dereferences or something like this. 

  8. From the device tree you can derive what is the size of the memory. I didn’t explain this here, but it has to do with the reg field in the memory device.